Summer School

Summer School 2024
St. Paul Education is pleased to offer Summer School from July 2-26, 2024.
Summer School is open to St. Paul Education students who have completed Grade 9 through to Grade 12 as well as high school students from other school divisions in Alberta.
Summer School will be delivered through the St. Paul Alternate Education Centre (SPAEC). The school will be open and teaching support will be available Monday to Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., with a daily break from 12:00-12:30 p.m. There will be no classes on Fridays.
Student Schedule
5-credit classes | July 2-26 | 19 days | 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. |
3-credit classes | July 2-11 | 9 days | 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. |
Daily attendance and participation is required and students who do not demonstrate consistent attendance will be removed from the course. Summer School is a fast-paced experience filled with rich and engaging opportunities.
Students are required to write diploma exams in all 30-level courses. Students must be available to write the exam in person on the scheduled dates.
Course | Dates | Time |
English 30-1 & 30-2 Part A | August 1, 2024 | 9 AM - 12 PM |
Social Studies 30-1 Part A | August 2, 2024 | 9 AM - 12 PM |
Social Studies 30-2 Part A | August 2, 2024 | 9 AM - 11:30 AM |
Social Studies 30-1 & 30-2 Part B | August 6, 2024 | 1 PM - 3:30 PM |
Math 30-1 & 30-2 | August 6, 2024 | 9 AM - 12 PM |
English 30-1 & 30-2 Part B | August 7, 2024 | 9AM - 12 PM |
Chemistry 30 | August 8, 2024 | 9 AM - 12 PM |
Biology 30 | August 8, 2024 | 1 PM - 4 PM |
Science 30 | August 9, 2024 | 1 PM - 4 PM |
Is Summer School for You?
- Can you physically be present to take the exams/tests at the school sites (exams should happen once a week)?
- Are you able to commit 4-5 hours per day 4 days a week to work on your course work at the school site, at home or by contacting the course teacher for support?
- Are you able to complete your first module by July 8, 2024?
- Are you able to have your 3 credit courses or the Google Productivity Pro course by July 11th?
- Did you fail a course and want to retake it or upgrade your mark in the course? Workload will depend on your final mark and work completed during the regular school year. Likely, you will not have to redo the entire course.
You should not take Summer School courses if:
- You are going travelling or will be out of the area for the month of July.
- You cannot commit to the check in days and timeframes required for the successful completion of courses.
Current St. Paul Education students will have to pay a $25 non-refundable registration fee. Students from outside the Division will have to pay a $50 non-refundable registration fee. This fee will help to cover the cost of consumable supplies as well as administration expenses. Courses will not be released until the registration fee has been paid.
Please contact the St. Paul Alternate Education Centre to register or for more information at 780-645-5015 or
Registration deadlines and other important dates:
* Please note that these dates are subject to change.
April 10 | Registration opens for Summer School |
June 14 | Course Request Deadline: 5-Credit Summer Courses. Course request must be submitted by 4:00 p.m. MST. |
June 21 | Course Correction Request Deadline: 5-Credit Summer Courses. Course request must be submitted by 4:00 p.m. MST. |
June 21 | Course Request Deadline: 3-Credit and 1-Credit Summer Courses. Course request must be submitted by 4:00 p.m. MST. |
July 2 | Summer School Begins |
July 8 | Auto-Withdrawal Date for 5-Credit Summer Courses. If you are enrolled in a 5-credit summer course, please make sure that an assessment is submitted before Monday, July 8, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. MST. Failure to submit an assessment by this time will result in automatic withdrawal from the course without the possibility of reinstatement. |
July 11 | 3 Credit Course Deadline as well as Google Productivity Pro Course Deadline. All course assignments must be submitted by 4:00 p.m. MST. |
July 19 | Course Withdrawal Deadline: All Summer Courses. Withdrawal requests must be submitted by 4:00 p.m. MST. |
July 26 | All Summer Semester Assignments/Quizzes Due by 4:00 p.m. |
Courses Offered
Core Subjects
English | 10-2 | 10-1 | 20-2 | 20-1 | 30-2 | 30-1 |
Social | 10-2 | 10-1 | 20-2 | 20-1 | 30-2 | 30-1 |
Science | 14 | 10 | 24 | 20 | 30 | |
Biology | 20 - Course Corrections only | 30 - Course Corrections only | ||||
Chemistry | 20 - Course Corrections only | 30 - Course Corrections only | ||||
Math | 15 | 10-3 | 20-3 | 30-3 | ||
Math | 10C - Course Corrections only | 20-2 Course Corrections only | 20-1 Course Corrections only | 30-2 Course Corrections only | 30-1 Course Corrections only |
What is a Course Correction?
Course Correction is available to students who have taken a class, but perhaps didn’t have the chance to finish, or did not get the mark that they had hoped. They can bring us proof of the course and a run down of what needs to be redone with a chance to complete, or improve, their course mark. Students cannot re-do the entire course, but they can re-do sections of the course that they want to improve upon.
Option Courses
Google Productivity Pro | 6 credit course | Chromebook awarded upon completion |
Foundations in Industry | 5 credit safety course at the 30 level |
Aboriginal Studies | 10 (5) | 20 (5) | 30 (5) | |
Psychology | General (3) | Personal (3) | Abnormal (3) | Experimental (3) |
Forensics | X | 25 (3) | 35 (3 or 5) | |
Sociology | X | 20 (3) | ||
HCS | X | X | 3000 (1) | |
Work Experience | 15 | 25 | 35 | |
Phys Ed. | 10 (3) | |||
CALM 20 | 3 credits | |||
Learning Strategies | 15 (3) | 25 (3) | 35 (5) | |
Financial Management | 5 credits |
Dual Credit Course
HEED105: Personal Health and Wellness
Why not complete a college/university level course over the summer? This course is a university transfer course that can be done online. It is the introduction to physical, social, mental, occupational, emotional, environmental and spiritual dimensions of personal health and wellness.
Work Experience Credits
Did you know that your paid summer jobs can be used as work experience? Make sure you have HCS3000 as a prerequisite. Learn more here.
Frequently Asked Questions
All courses are completed through modules or course packs of essential learning outcomes. Students will have access to in-person teacher support, or through an online communication tool like Google Meet, email, or phone. If a student falls behind they will be required to attend in-person instruction, upon the discretion of the summer school teacher and principal. All tests will be required to be written in-person at our SPAEC school location.
Students must work regularly on their courses, submitting work weekly in the summer term and adhering to the provided timelines. Students should check in or contact their teacher at least twice a week if not in the building.
We will look at your marks and completed work from your regular high school to determine what outcomes you need to redo. It will vary from case to case, however it is very likely you will not have to retake the entire course to pass the class.
Students can earn up to 10 credits in Summer School. It is recommended you only do 1 core 5 credit class. You may also take multiple 3 credit courses if you wish.
If you are doing Work Experience, you can earn up to 10 credits which would require 250 hours of work. These hours can be paid summer positions or paid work hours. Proof of hours can be given to the school via pay stubs or signed hours by their employers.
It is highly recommended to attend as often as possible and teachers will be on site from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. for support and instruction Monday to Thursday. The more you attend, the more successful you will be. As long as you are following your timeline and successfully completing and passing the assignments, you will have flexibility with your attendance. This will be determined through discussion with your teacher and work completion. If you are not completing work in a timely and effective manner, you will be required to attend every day; this is at teacher's discretion.
If course material has not been handed in for 2 consecutive weeks, SPAEC may unenroll you from the course.
If you are a student that has utilized special accommodations for course work or exam writing under the Alberta Education guidelines at your regular school, please be advised that we are unable to provide those same provisions in our Summer School Program. Summer school compresses a semester's worth of course material into 19 days (approximately 84 hours) and requires a student to commit to 5-6 hours of course work each day in building or at home. Your teachers do not have additional hours in the day to supervise special accommodations. It is very important that you understand both the limitations and expectations of the summer program before registering. All students will have access to Speech to Text and Read and Write for Google for most instructional materials.
Due to the short time line to complete courses, we strongly encourage parents to check in regularly with both their child and the teacher. Progress and marks can be discussed at any point of the school day.